A Nature Mandala for the Winter Solstice



Many people know the Winter Solstice to be the first day of winter and the longest night of the year. For a few days around the solstice, it appears that the sun stands still and rises and sets in the same spot. The Winter Solstice marks a shift though, where the days slowly begin to lengthen and the light begins to return. Winter solstice generally takes place on December 21st.


I created the “Intentions” nature mandala as a Winter Solstice blessing back in 2017 to welcome the return of the light. This mandala is an invitation to experience stillness, go inward, spend time reflecting and to set a vision for the year ahead.

What is the meaning of intentions?

Intentions encompass both reflective and action oriented elements. An intention is sometimes defined as what one intends to do or bring about. Intentions encompass a determination to act in a certain way or with resolve. Intentions can be the object for which a prayer, mass, or devoted act is offered.

Other words that resonate for me when I think of intentions are purpose, resolution, wish, desire or plan. For me, setting intentions creates a potential to connect with a deeper purpose and sense of meaning for what I wish to do and why. 


I like to think about winter as the season of rest and reflection, preparing us for the return of renewed life. The longest night can be an auspicious time for setting intentions. When setting intentions on the winter solstice, one can imagine the seeds of intention being buried in the darkness of the Earth. And, that what you conceive now will grow with the returning of the season of the sun. 

“December is a holy month. Maybe it is the dark, silky silence that descends so early that speaks to me of reverence. Maybe it is the promise that December holds - that no matter how dark, how cold, how empty it can get, the light is coming back.” – Meg Casey

At the apex of the darkest day, the beginning of growing light emerges. 

This nature mandala holds space to embrace the darkness and the light, connecting with your intentions and hope for the year ahead on the day when the sun stands still. 



The Intentions Nature Mandala is made with: 

  • Horsetail

  • Box Elder

  • Ash

  • Norway Maple

  • Balsam Fir

  • Staghorn Sumac

  • Northern Sea Oats

  • Hobble Bush

  • Viburnum.

Creating mandala art designs in vermont

I am a Vermont visual artist, and I create mandala art from foraged plants and flowers. I keep my nature mandalas just long enough to snap a few pictures, and then scatter them to the wind with a wish, prayer, or intention. I use my best picture to create a nature mandala art print, cards and other gifts, available as a collection of items on my website.

INTENTIONS :: A Meditation

Intentions are like seeds
filled with purpose
filled with hope
and creativity too.
When named
nourished and nurtured
they have the chance
to grow and flourish. 

Nature mandala art, photography and writing by: Michelle Wallace

Michelle Wallace is a visual artist living in Vermont. She has been creating handmade art designs called nature mandalas since 2017. You can find her art in stores across New England and via her online Nature Mandala Shop.


Michelle Wallace